- Publication
In this publication, we share our learnings from implementing responsible AI solutions at our customers, where thoughtful strategies meet real world impact.

Offshore software development partners are useful and necessary extensions to your onshore IT capability, but they can also introduce a number of obstacles such as differing time zones, cultural and language barriers, and remote communication obstructions.
These challenges shouldn’t be underestimated in their ability to derail or impede delivery, but when addressed intentionally in the ways we describe, they can be overcome and you can leverage the full potential of an offshore IT delivery partner.
Take a few lessons from our experience as inspiration to get more from your existing offshore engagements, and learn more about South Africa as a remarkable destination for IT offshoring.
With a strong affinity to western culture, the South African software engineering workforce places a focus on being intuitive, critical and collaborative. Cost is important on any project, and although South Africa’s software development costs are lower than most developed markets, the cost saving does not result in a poorer quality of service or output quality.
Entelect has an international track record delivering in remote and distributed environments for customers across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australasia, with zero compromise on collaboration and engineering quality.
Working alongside remote teams requires a shift in mindset, process and flexibility. Here are three recommendations based on our experience of operating offshore delivery teams.