Standard Bank Lotto revamp for web and mobile

Due to Entelect’s existing relationship with Standard Bank, we were approached to build the Android Lotto playing functionality for Standard Bank’s retail banking mobile application.
An Entelect team did analysis, UX design and development for the Android platform, and also helped out with the iOS analysis and design.
The team also helped build a solution for license disk renewal. This also included some of the back-end API integration and integration with 3rd party service providers.
While doing the mobile dev for license disk we worked in parallel to make the lotto games available on web for Standard Bank’s internet banking site. We followed an approach where we had to use a different tech stack than the main internet banking website so that we can futureproof the work to fit in with their future digital strategy.
Lotto for web is also in production with Lotto and Powerball, with Daily Lotto in its final testing.